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Luke G Qin, Michael T Pierce, Rachel C Robbins

The uvea is a vascular stratum that includes the iris, ciliary body and choroid. Uveitis is defined as inflammation of a part of the uvea or its entirety, but it is also used to describe inflammatory processes of any part of the eye, such as the vitreous or peripheral retina. The clinical taxonomy of uveitis […]

Farhad Hafezi, ESCRS 2021: Epithelium-on Cross-linking at the Slit Lamp

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Published Online: Oct 14th 2021

We were delighted to catch up with Farhad Hafezi (ELZA Institute, Zurich, Switzerland) about the disadvantages of performing corneal cross-linking procedures in the operating theatre, the potential to now perform epithelium-on cross-linking procedures at the slit lamp, and the implication of this on future practice.


  1. Could you give us an overview of epithelium-on cross-linking procedures at the slit lamp? (00:13)
  2. What are the beneficial effects of the procedure on the cornea? (01:45)
  3. What are the disadvantages of this procedure for the patient in terms of infection risks and discomfort for the patient? (02:20)
  4. How do you see the applications of this procedure developing in the future? (02:49

Speaker Disclosure: Farhad Hafezi holds patents and applications for corneal apparatus used for CXL, chromophore for CXL application; and is a shareholder and investor for EMAGine AG.

Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Lisa Glass.

Filmed in coverage of ESCRS 2021.

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