1. What inspired you to pursue a career in ophthalmology?
Originally, I planned to become a software engineer, but life took an unexpected turn, and I found myself in medical school. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to help people—but I still craved a way to incorporate my passion for computers, machines, and data.
One day, my friend Xiao asked me to help with a research project involving the retinas of medical students. That moment was a true eye-opener! It gave me a glimpse into a world where I could blend medicine with technology.
Today, Xiao and I are both ophthalmologists. Every time I see an OCT scan, it reminds me why I chose this path—it combines everything I love. Ophthalmology is my perfect fit, and I couldn’t be happier.
2. Who has been the most significant mentor or role model for you, and what did you learn from them?
I have been fortunate to have many incredible mentors, but I would like to highlight Professor Jakob Grauslund, head of research at the Department of Ophthalmology, Odense University Hospital. He is a phenomenal leader at so many levels, and he is surrounded by people who thrive working for him and with him.
I quote him with the phrase “being kind is the most underrated superpower there is”, and I think that there is a lot of truth in that. At least I think of that a lot, and try myself to be open, inclusive, and kind.
3. What current innovations in ophthalmology excite you the most?
Tele-ophthalmology at scale! My brilliant friend Dr. Danson Muttuvelu has pioneered a tele-ophthalmology service in Denmark, offering access to fundus photography, OCT, IOP, and autoperimetry in around 80 optician stores. Opticians perform the exams, and if any abnormalities are detected, the results are sent to retinal specialists for interpretation.
He has effectively delivered tele-ophthalmology at scale! This initiative has screened about a quarter of Denmark’s population, and it’s a perfect example of how organizational innovation and effective leadership can deliver impactful solutions that benefit society as a whole.
Disclosures: This short article was prepared by touchOPHTHALMOLOGY in collaboration with Dr Subhi. No fees or funding were associated with its publication.
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