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We are pleased to present the latest edition of touchREVIEWS in Ophthalmology. In this issue, we offer a series of engaging editorials, in-depth review articles and insightful original research highlighting some of the latest breakthroughs, innovations and practical insights in the dynamic field of ophthalmology. We begin with macular degeneration, where José-Alain Sahel et al. […]

David Pelayes, EURETINA 2019 – Treatment approaches to DME

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Published Online: Sep 16th 2019

David Pelayes (Professor of Ophthalmology, Medical Faculty Mannheim, Ruprecht-Karls-University, Heidelberg, Germany) discusses the current limitations with treatment approaches to DME and the evolving use of OCT-A to predict the response a patient have to DEM treatment.

1. What recent advances in ophthalmology have had the biggest impact on your practice?
2. What are the major limitations of current treatment approaches to DME?
3. What factors are associated with a good response to anti-VEGF treatment?
4. How can OCT-A findings be used to predict the response to DME treatment?

Support: No funding was received in the production of this video.
Disclosures: Consultant to Topcon and VitrcQ

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