It was a pleasure to catch up with Prof. Noel Alpins (Department of Ophthalmology, Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia), as he discussed the major challenges of refractive surgery in the treatment of astigmatism, and the evidence for the use of Vector Planning in clinical practice.
- What are the major challenges of refractive surgery in the current treatment of astigmatism? (00:05)
- Could you give us a brief overview of ocular residual astigmatism (ORA) and the Vector Planning method? (00:52)
- What clinical evidence supports the use of this method? (01:56)
- Which patients will benefit most from this approach? (04:04)
- How can this method become more widely adopted into clinical practice? (05:28)
Speaker Disclosure: Prof. Noel Alpins is CEO of ASSORT Surgical Management Systems.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media.
Filmed in coverage of ESCRS 2020.