It was a pleasure to catch up with Ben Thompson (University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada), to discuss the latest clinical data on interventions for the enhancement of visual cortex neuroplasticity.
- What interventions enhancing visual cortex neuroplasticity are currently being investigated in humans with amblyopia? (00:15)
- Could you give us a brief overview of the latest clinical data supporting these interventions? (01:20)
- In which direction is future research likely to focus? (02:25)
Speaker Disclosure: Ben Thompson discloses the following: Two patents relating to binocular amblyopia treatment that have been licensed by Novartis. Two patents relating to assessment of children’s vision and co-founder of Objective Acuity, a company commercializing this technology. Paid consultancy for Novartis and Objective Acuity.
Support: Interview and filming supported by Touch Medical Media Ltd. Interview conducted by Lisa Glass.
Filmed in coverage of ARVO 2021.