Welcome to the fall edition of US Ophthalmic Review, which features a wide range of articles that reflect the remarkable advances in ophthalmology in recent years.
Our expert interviews continue to be a popular feature of the journal, providing concise opinions from ophthalmic specialists. Cynthia Matossian discusses testing for biomarkers for Sjögren’s disease in patients with dry eye disease, and Pravin Dugel shares the latest clinical data on the efficacy and safety of brolucizumab in the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration.
Practice pearls enable ophthalmologists to benefit from the personal experience of experts in their field, along with tips drawn from the literature. Prakhunhungsit and Berrocal share their expertise in identifying pediatric patients with retinoblastoma, particularly in atypical presentations. Complementing this article is a discussion by Shah and Berry of the optimal approaches for treating retinoblastoma in children.
Non-infectious uveitis (NIU) of the posterior segment is a serious, sight-threatening intraocular inflammatory condition that is generally treated with systemic corticosteroids, but long-term use is associated with adverse effects. Banker, Pavesio, and Merri review the expanding range of therapeutic options for NIU, which are enabling a more individualized approach to treatment.
We hope you enjoy this edition of US Ophthalmic Review, and find it useful for your practice. We look forward to bringing you our Spring 2018 edition, and plenty of topical content in the meantime. Don’t forget that you can submit articles for upcoming issues here.