Welcome to the Spring 2017 edition of the US Ophthalmic Review. This edition is introduced by our new Editor-in-Chief, Elizabeth Yeu, who we are delighted to welcome to the team. Dr Yeu is Assistant Professor at the Eastern Virginia Medical School and specialises in refractive cataract surgery, ocular surface disease management, and surgical treatment of astigmatism. Take a look at Dr Yeu’s overview of the edition here.
We have a selection of interviews, editorials, reviews, and original research for you to enjoy covering a wide-range of topical areas within ophthalmology at the moment. We interviewed Bennie Jeng about recent updates in the diagnosis and management of infectious keratitis and Drs Asbell and Sanfilippo review the Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring in Ocular MicRoorganisms (ARMOR) Surveillance Study, which provides insight into the behaviour and trends of resistant microbes.
Dr Hartnett and colleagues explore how anti-VEGF agents can be used in the treatment of retinopathy of prematurity and Drs Bahadorani and Singer discuss the value of Area Under the Curve (AUC) analysis as an outcome measure in the assessment of sustained release therapies in DME. In the area of retinal imaging we have a trio of perspective articles looking at the role of ultrawide-field imaging in clinical practice.
In the glaucoma field Dr Mosaed reviews micro-invasive glaucoma surgery and the recently approved Cypass Micro-Stent whilst Drs Christakis and Ahmed summarize the recently published 5-year results of the Ahmed versus Baerveldt (AVB) Study in a short editorial piece.
We hope this issue provides useful information relevant to your practice and interests. If you are interested in submitting to our Fall edition please visit our submission site here.